Participate in a summer-long program where you run your own business by selling educational material through a system of referrals, cold calls, and door-to-door sales.
As a wholesale buyer of Southwestern Advantage educational material, your profit is the difference between the wholesale and retail price. Southwestern Advantage is a single-level marketing company that provides the training, product, and business model to help you run your business.
Chat with an experienced student leader to learn more about the Southwestern Internship Program.
Hear from those who have participated in the program to discover if the opportunity benefits your future.
Participate in a three-day follow-up process that includes interviews and exercises to determine whether the program is a great fit for both parties.
Join in training and relationship-building meetings throughout the school year.
Learn more about the products and business management, while parents participate in a Q&A webinar.
Train with a team of experts and your peers in Nashville, TN, with a focus on product knowledge, the cycle of selling, live role-playing, business management, safety, and ethics.
Generate your own customer base by visiting families at their home through referrals, cold-calls, and door-to-door sales.
Recognize achievements and milestones of yourself and peers during an award ceremony.
Win an all-inclusive trip called Sizzler, which boasts a five-day retreat at a warm destination and includes a service project: Share the Advantage.
Chat with an experienced student leader to learn more about the Southwestern Internship Program.
Hear from those who have participated in the program to discover if the opportunity benefits your future.
Participate in a three-day follow-up process that includes interviews and exercises to determine whether the program is a great fit for both parties.
Join in training and relationship-building meetings throughout the school year.